Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tassle topper

Okay, as well as thatched roofs here is something that has topped its tunnel with a tassel.

I don't know what insect has laid eggs inside this bamboo stake, but the plug sure is festive!

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  1. How nice of it to decorate your garden with some whimsy. LOL! It is interesting. Maybe it was a good idea at the time for a nest.

  2. HHG - I'm pretty sure a sort of bee or wasp has laid egg(s) in the tube and stoppered it up. The bamboo tube is less than 1/2" wide or so. I'll keep watch and see what hatches out. I'll keep ya posted.

  3. I will be watching for this one!

    Never seen anything like that before. I did have house wrens that were determined to locate in the end of a rolled up bamboo shade. They finally gave up.


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