Saturday, February 19, 2011


Going ....
 Going ....
 It ... it's so .... naked out there!

A couple of days of blustery warm wind has stripped Ma Nature of her nice white coat.  Temps soared to 60 yesterday then back to below freezing last night.  Forecasts now are for daytime 30s and freezing nights.  But there's no insulation on the plants. *whine*  Still, I am enjoying the sunshine -- while it lasts. :-D

Meanwhile, down in the basement, I've finally started my wintersowing.  The irony is not lost on me! LOL

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(Use links on top of sidebar to view my other garden pages.)


  1. One thing we cannot control is the weather....we take what we are dealt.

    I think our weather is going to turn colder here next week. That is pretty typical for us.

    At least you and Igor have that newly wired area where you can 'garden' while the north wind blows.

  2. Weather is becoming a string of extremes. Last summer was hot and dry, winter frigid and snowy, high winds, huge temperature swings (wasn't there a 105 degree difference in OK just last week? -31 then +79). I think I'll have to use the secret basement plant lab as an environmental shelter too! *woof*

  3. Oh, you have sunshine. I was just saying today how I long for some spring sunshine.

  4. Oh Linda, it is so funny to read your comment right now. At this very moment it's down to 20s and snowing so hard I can barely see the shed! Talk about weather whiplash. Hope you have some sunshine by now...

  5. It's coming. Pat and I just came back from Chicago and the snow got deeper the closer to Cleveland we got. I was hoping to get into the yard this week.

  6. Ah yes...the melting snow is a double-edged sword.

  7. Good luck on that yard thing, Jim. At least I wasn't seduced by the thaw to do any more than haul out all the accumulated kitchen scraps out to the compost pile.

    Scott - and a cutting edge at that!

  8. I hope your place looks like that again soon!

  9. You and me both, Sue. Keep your fingers crossed. You're probably really ready for spring too!

  10. Yes, Kris, I've been saying that I've been having more trouble waiting for spring to get here than usual.

    I am cold right now, bundled up with a sweatshirt and blanket on. I'd like to take a nap until spring gets here.


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