Friday, September 7, 2012

Sound and fury

The cold front moved through about an hour ago.  There were terrific gusts of wind - knocking over all the vicary and burning bush plants on the deck.  I had to run out and hold onto the big umbrella so it wouldn't get torn out of its pot and go flying through a window like a couple of years ago.  Finally the winds calmed down and it rained.

Not much, maybe 15 minutes giving us only .3" in the gauge.  But the temps, oh my, did they plummet.  From 79 to 69 within 10 minutes.  It's supposed to stay 69 tonight and not get any warmer than that tomorrow.

Helloooo Fall.

The clouds have moved to the east and now bright sunshine streams through the front windows.  Out off the deck, though, is a parting shot of the storm clouds.   And a nice double rainbow.

The radar shows we may get more rain tonight.  It also shows (thankfully) that my friends in Oklahoma and Missouri are finally getting some rain too.  Yay for all of us.

Saturday a.m.

We got a thunderstorm around 4:00 a.m.   I could hear heavy rain for a bit, then not.  Went back to sleep.  This morning - all barrels topped.  The birdbath has overflowed.   It's raining lightly now with heavier rain on the radar, and only 58F.  

So (at least this morning) we're having a COOL RAINY DAY.   Ahhhh.  I'm sitting in the sunroom with a hot coffee listening to the rain on the roof and just lazin' in the rocking chair.  What a lovely change in the weather.   Why, I may even do some cooking or (horrors) cleaning today.  Who knows....

Or maybe I'll just make another pot of coffee.  :-D

Saturday p.m.

Rain total = 1.25"   That's HUGE for this year.


  1. Sounds great (rain, not wind)
    Hopefully fall is here to stay. I know I'm sure ready to say goodbye to this summer.

    1. Looks like you're getting your share of this cold front, too, Sue. Hopefully you'll enjoy some cooler temps (and rain) too.

  2. Your rain and cool temps are headed here tomorrow, too. :o) I'm ready for transplanting weather!

    1. I'm with you, Tammy. I've put off putting in shrubs and other new perennials due to the drought and hard-as-concrete soil this summer.

  3. Glad for your sake you finally have some rain, apparently the Jet Stream has gone walkabout again and the UK will be getting a battering this week. So what's new?

    As for Fall (when will the dear folk in the Colonies realise it is called Autumn {giggle}?), I wouldn't mind if it followed Summer but this year it seems to have rolled right in after a prolonged Winter .... grump, mutter, scowl.

    1. I usually refer to the season between blazing hot and freezing cold as Autumn. But we've been taught from childhood how to adjust the clocks for daylight saving time: Fall back, Spring forward. We're soo mnemonically tuned. erk

      Now - about 'realise' - it's the battle of zeds vs esses. *giggle back*


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