Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leaf mulch marathon

(Click on any picture to biggify and enjoy better focus.)

11/6 a.m. entry update -- Oh good grief!!

* first snowfall 11/6/2010 *

Leaf mulch marathon:
* leaf mulch on foundation, birdbath, brick wall + crab beds *

* grassy sweep next to crab bed *

* leaf mulch on fence + wall beds *

* leaf mulch on arbor bed *

* leaf mulch on stump bed *
It's been a busy 3 days (once the days warmed up past freezing!). It was traumatic to pull out all those bright salvias, marigold and other colorful (but frozen) annuals and denude the beds.  The view from the kitchen window really suffers this time of year. *sigh*

As of this morning, all the beds close to the house (including those in front that I've not pictured) are set for winter.  There were so many new fallen leaves that I didn't even have to get into my stash under the tarp on the driveway!

Oh, and rest assured, I left access to any holes to the bee nest in the stump bed.  There has been no traffic for over a week so I'm pretty sure they're tucked in for winter.  I'll let the leaves blow over the holes to insulate what's left of the colony for next spring.

Lest you think I'm about finished, think again.  I still have to weed the entire length of the ring bed before piling on the leaves else I'd only be insulating the weeds.  Eeek.

And some trees are still holding out on me.

* sweet gum trees *
Not only are these 2 sweet gums bogeying those leaves, there is a large silver maple directly behind them (and another back down the hill by the golf course) that haven't gotten their 'drop leaf' memos yet. Ah well.  I'm taking off today, tomorrow and Saturday (I'm pooped).  But they are predicting 4 sunny days starting Sunday so I'll be back at it then.

Now.... someone, please, pass me the ibuprofen. *moan* :-/

* * *
(Use links on top of sidebar to view additional garden posts.)


  1. Kris, first let me tell you I think you have a beautiful home and the yard/gardens/beds are wonderful.

    I could live in town if I had such a roomy lovely home and setting.

    We are a little more relaxed about the leaves here! Mine may just lay until spring.

    You deserve a few days off. Read a good book and just admire what you have done. I think it looks very pretty even without the flowers.

  2. Thank you, Glenda, for your nice comment. When I bought this house 8 years ago there was only lawn and overgrown yews around the house. I've been working on the garden beds ever since and am enjoying the way they are turning out. This has been really hard work sometimes, but when the beds are in bloom and the bees are buzzing it's all worth it.

    I have appointments and other things to do Fri & Sat, but yesterday I did spend some quality time in front of a cheery fire inside and just chilled out. Ah...the comfy chair. ;-D

  3. Yes, I can see that you have put in a lot of effort into your garden. It is lovely and very big. Your body must be aching. Rest well.

  4. Thank you, One. I must admit to having a few aches and pains these days. Soon, though, the gardens will be shut down and I can enjoy some inside/winter activities. I don't know how I would survive in a climate like yours where I would most likely compulsively garden all year long! When would the weary rest? LOL

  5. Beautiful mulch. I love them. You're lucky to have all those leaves for mulch, Kris.

  6. What a nice feeling to have the gardens "tucked in" for the winter. We have several holdout trees as well. But once they're done, bring on the snow!

  7. Ha Xuan - I'm glad to have them... just don't know how many more years my bad ankle will allow me to wrangle 'em!

    meemsnyc - Hey, thanks. I can see the end of the tunnel from here. :-D

    Garden Sense - Hi and thanks for visiting! :-D Another week outside (supposed to be in the 50s!) I'll get the ring bed weeded and mulched and (if the trees cooperate) the rest of the leaves gathered then used or saved for spring.

  8. Oy... I feel your aches! I've been rearranging soaker hoses and laying wood mulch since I don't have as many leaves as you do. But just think about how fabulous your soil will be come spring!!

  9. TS - Yepper! Still, I hate mulching such dry soil. Less than 2" rain all October and none so far in November. The gardens are bone dry and I'm still watering new mums, etc. Don't envy your pushing wood mulch around! At least leaves are lighter.


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