Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ring cycle - Act III

This unseasonably mild weather is a blessing. Usually November starts cold, wet, dreary, windy, spitting rain or snow. But for the past week it's been like September. Weather forecasts warn at the end of the week we return to the aforesaid cold and rain/snow mix, so I'm making hay while the sun shines.

The timing of this extra nice weather has allowed me to finish 'tucking in' the newly dug ring (pollinator garden) bed with all the trimmings. "Normal" November weather would have had Craig and me just trying to get the ring tilled. Period. But not only has it been totally tilled (Yay! Thanks, Craig), the gizillion bushels of leaves on my lawn have been dry and crispy and easy (well, not a royal pain anyway) to harvest, shred, and then dig them into the bed. On top of that there are a couple of buckets of daff bulbs and iris rhizomes to put in here and there along the ring for some Spring color.

The nice weather has also encouraged me to start a new compost pile of the extra leaves so I'll be able to keep feeding the ring come Spring. That soil needs some serious organic matter. We didn't see a single worm when we tilled. *tsk tsk*

Gotta run. That 'hay and sunshine' thing beckons!

More Garden Buzz soon.

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