Sunday, December 28, 2008

Repair, reuse, recyle

Once again Ohio has displayed its whiplash weather and slammed on the winter brakes, rolling in some very warm (and windy) days for the holidays. It got up to 60 degrees yesterday and I was able to enjoy a couple of hours on the deck with coffee and seed catalogs. suh-weet!

I also had a nice walk-about to check the garden beds. Everything was in order so I moseyed back to the new ring garden and saw a lot of deer tracks in the soft dirt. While filling some of the deeper holes I was very happy to see that in nearly every leaf-filled clod I turned over there were earthworms going to town. Great! Already the ring garden is attracting the right kind of crowd. :-) I wished the wrigglers bon appetite and promised to replenish their shredded leaf supply in early March. Glad I saved back a really big pile of leaves!

As to my 'forum quest' I'd like to thank Jean for putting forth a very good suggestion regarding my last post. While I have been in email conversation with the GW forum folks about establishing a 'Pollinator Garden' forum, I hadn't given consideration to using the existing Bee/Beekeeping forum as a viable alternative to requesting a new forum. Though I had previously posted in that forum a time or two about pollinator gardens (with no response), I didn't pursue the subject.

Well, duh! Why not? I mean, good grief! Repair, reuse, recycle has been my standard for decades. Why limit that concept to physical things like paper, leaves, furniture, clothes, etc. I should revisit the lethargic Bee/Beekeeping forum, continue to post about pollinator gardens and gardening and, with luck and persistence, find like-minded individuals looking for community and conversation with regards to pollinator gardens and sanctuaries. Can't hurt.

Who knows? There may be others lurking around that forum hoping to find suggestions on how to attract and support some of our planet's most important insects to their gardens.

Game on. Keep your fingers crossed!
More garden buzz soon.

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