Monday, November 30, 2015

Late season watering

Hope your Thanksgiving holiday was pleasant.  Mine was low key but spread out over 5 days (most of it involving a turkey CLICK HERE).

Thanksgiving day was very mild and clear and there was even some deck time before my guests arrived.

Saturday, when other guests arrived, it never got past 40 and we got 1/2" of rain.  

It was forecasted, so on Friday I set up one of the tubs back at the shed to catch some rainwater.  

You may recall how many new shrubs I planted in mid-November (CLICK HERE)Well, it's been pretty dry this fall and most of those new shrubs are under 8-10" of well chopped leaves.

A light rain would never make it to the soil.  So yesterday I watered the viburnums along the golf course as well as the 9 shurbs in the compost bin.

In the front yard I have a couple of kitty litter jugs right handy to water the 2 transplanted hollies and the rhody.

They say that most late planting failures (especially for mums) is that watering is neglected at this crucial time when the roots are trying to get established.  And we've only gotten 1.5" rain all month.  I'll water maybe once a week while the tub isn't frozen.  (Some cold nights but above freezing days this week - only 25F this morning.)

I'm just doing my best to give the new babies what they need to get a good grip.  After all, they have a lot to battle against (and I need excuses to be outside on nice days).  You can see in the bottom pic how the deer totally stripped that one viburnum.  *sigh*  Fingers crossed.


  1. I have planted things and then didn't return to water as the weeks went on. I scold myself as it is so easy to put water on them to keep them going.

    1. I've always been just as guilty. But the mild weather, extra cleanup time, etc. prompted me to try to do better this year. If we'd had snow by now, the plants would be on their own for sure.

  2. We've had a ton of rain this fall. I keep catching rainwater for my houseplants-they seem to appreciate it and like you said--any excuse to be outside!!
    Downstate got 10 inches of snow the other day. Looks like another odd month in the making. We've been warm. They get snow. Should be the other way around, but it's nice hanging Christmas lights up without killing myself on icy ladders!
    Have a good week, Kris

    1. I'm kinda regretting emptying the barrel back by the shed earlier. Oh well, at least I got half a trash tub for now. Think it's going to be an odd winter what with the Nino/a? this year. Christmas lights? Already? What time IS it? LOL Hope you get some good outside time. You are behind on that this year! Take care...


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