Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fun filled Friday

First off, this pic is for Glenda. She's a big fan of sassafras trees, especially this time of year. :-D A shot out the upstairs bathroom window looking South.

The ash trees have dropped their leaves while the hickories and birches are turning gold. Meanwhile the sassafras are in their glory.

As for the post title, you'll have to click either pic (tree or list) to see what got done yesterday (Friday).

Oh, and Glenda, if you thought a faucet fix was impressive, check out THIS little repair. I was really pleased I was able to gerry-rig something I use a lot.


  1. Gee, I think I'm a fan of sassafras trees too---how beautiful!!

  2. You have beautiful fall color! Very exciting that's a sassafras. I transplanted one a few years ago to replace our dying oaks. It's not big enough for an impressive splash of color. Actually, we don't seem to have much color this year at all. Maybe too much rain and too little sun(?)

  3. That is why I love them; they have the most spectacular color and one of the first to show it. I wish I had one nearby. I have been seeing some young trees in ditches on the way to town that I was calling persimmon. That is wrong. I am pretty sure persimmon just turn yellow. I am betting they are young sassafras trees. I will be checking next trip in. Thank you for the gorgeous picture.


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