Friday, May 3, 2013

A tale of two trees

I planted these two Robinson crabapple trees back in April, 2010.  They had a few blooms that first year and more in 2011 and 2012.

This year, however, on of them is bright and bountiful while the other is barely there.  I wonder why one has blooms all along the branches while the other only has them at the tips?

A couple of years ago my front crabapple did the same thing - just tip blossoms.  I don't know why crabs do that.  I thought it might be weather related, but the two in the crab bed say otherwise as they enjoy the same conditions.  Go figure.

As you can see, the front crabapple is in full splendor and, if the rains come this year, I may have a bumper crop of crabapples.  I hope so, as I'm totally out of crabapple jelly!

Meanwhile, I wait patiently for my favorite crabapple tree to bloom - the unknown white.  The buds are swelling now and should be in glory in about a week.  It's not to be missed. :-D


  1. You must be up north somewhere because here in GA we have bloomed and they have lost their flowers already. I am visiting here from Jerry's - hope you come for a visit. sandie

  2. I have one crabapple tree, planted a couple of years ago. I can't wait for crabs and crabapple jelly!


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